A record of 18 days in Tamil Nadu and Kerala

Friday 3 May 2019

A Day in Munnar

Day 14 - 17th February 2019

The Munnar tea plantations

After two weeks on the coastal plain, we were looking forward to our short stay amongst the tea plantations of Munnar.  After a delicious breakfast of fresh pineapples, purchased on our way from Alleppey, banana mixed with coconut and honey and toast, all washed down with home grown coffee, we were ready for a walk.  

There has been much discussion about this the night before, and we were not sure that we wanted to be followed by a tuk tuk, which would bring us back.  However, the tuk yuk took us to a start point for a four mile hike. A party on Indian visitors from Kochi started at the same time.  We noticed that they were carrying dhotis, and as we fell into conversation it transpired that they were planning a swim at a waterfall.  The dhotis were to protect their modesty.

We watched them splashing under the waterfall, and then carried on upwards where we came to a kiosk where we bought tickets to walk by the waterfall! And there was our tuk tuk.  We declined the offer of a lift and climbed ever higher, stopping to photograph and to be photographed.

After about 90 minutes, as the hill got steeper, we gave in and climbed into the tuk tuk.  It was hot!

We drove on towards Munnar, and stopped at the tea museum.  This gets varying reviews, but we found it interesting, even though the guides kept pushing us on.  Our fellow guests in the homestay, who also visited, reported that they attended a talk, which was incredibly boring. Choose the film option!

We continued into the town, a sprawling place, and found something to eat.  Our driver first suggested something totally characterless and comparatively pricey, but was persuaded that we were happy with a street cafe.  We then walked though the town, diverting into the fascinating food market selling wholesale and retail fruit, fish, spices, flowers, tea and more, set out in narrow streets.

We returned to the homestay for the evening meal, first climbing up the hill road to a viewing point to have a drink and watch the sunset. and rounded off the night with a game of 'Codeword'. I don't think I understand the rules yet!



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